Picking a fight

Have you ever picked a fight because a ‘sorry’ or multiple ‘sorries’ are not enough? You feel that you are right so you need to get your point straight and that person must accept that. You are right and he/she is wrong? You question mercilessly expecting answers that would satisfy unproven facts made up in your mind. Incoherences are greeted with another round of questioning. The fight continues.

I like picking on people and pointing out that they are wrong. My impatience, ego and the need to feel and be right all the time is detrimental to my relationships. Why pick a fight?

I love the feeling of having a peaceful and happy conversation with people. That way, it is productive and uplifting – at times even inspiring. Why start picking? It hurts everyone.

I must learn to raise my white flag and surrender. Not because I am wrong. But because it is a bloody war where people get hurt and might never come back.

Thanks for that lesson 🙂 That fight was worth it.

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